Planning my commercial !

             Welcome back my Enthusiastic friends! Its Mackena here. And for my commercial all about me I decided to choose the app called Cap cut. Cap cut is an app that lets you create videos from any platform which is very convenient for me and my everyday life. I hope to create an amazing commercial with the success of using that app. As well as using different pictures and videos of me doing all the things I love and maybe even the things I don't. As I stated in my last blog animals are my life. So, I know that I will dig deep into my camera roll to find some pictures of me either with animals or holding them. The next picture is going to be me eating Chinese food since I practically eat that every day and it's the one food cuisine I truly love. And I went to Europe two summers ago so I will put in videos of places that I went to such as the Colosseum and the Louve. And I have pictures of me recreating the poses of statues in the Louve and I think I did an amazing job. I practically blended right in! On another note, I have to choose two songs that I like or that represent me. I have to go with Roar by Katy Perry because that song represents animals so much and the music video is full of them. The second song I'm not really sure about yet. Ill update you guys in my next blog. But for now, let's stick to the things I do like unlike math. But I will incorporate a picture of me doing my math homework which I did have today so today did not feel like Friday. But stick around, the journey isn't over yet. Till next time my enthusiastic friends!


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