The middle of my production blog; learning how to use cap cut better.
Hello my enthusiastic friend's! Today's blog is going to be a little different. I will be talking about exactly how I'm going to use the app cap cut to make my commercial. The first thing I'm going to do is find my pictures and videos in my camera roll and click on them. Next, I'm going to choose how long I want each photo shown for. It also allows me to choose a cover photo which I would put a picture of my face but I am going to put a baby picture of me with an animal so I can show how long my love for animals has been in effect for. I will add that picture to the end of this blog so you can see what it looks like ahead of time. So, after I choose the title, I will continue to add all five of my photos and the app allows me to add captions. So, for each picture I choose I will add a caption buy touching the text button explaining when and where the photo was taken. Which gives more context on the photos meaning. After I do that, I will add in both of my videos. And that process will take the longest because I have to cut each video short to fit them into my commercial and to make the transition from picture to video the smoothest I possibly can. A problem I encountered was shortening the video. It's very difficult to shorten it to just the parts you want so that it fits into the commercial video. In order to shorten it you have to touch the trim button and slide the bar to keep exactly what you want to show. Then you add the edited clip into the little slideshow it creates for you. In my next blog I will go over the audio and how to use it and add it. The journey isn't over yet! Till next time my enthusiastic friend's!
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