Final Touches!
Welcome back my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I will be talking about the finishing touches to my music video. Me and the rest of the group decided to go to Starbucks to finish up the editing process. We started refilming on Friday. We discussed how each video had a certain section of the song it was assigned to. Peyton was in charge of putting this song integrated into the video. We talked about how our filming process was a little rushed as this week is a very big week. Its spirit week and homecoming week so we're trying to get all of our work done early so that we don't have anything to do or edit or film over the weekend. So, we on met up on Friday to officially finish filming and to end the editing process in which we'll take the longest. Because matching the videos to the songs with the same length takes time. And we took away our sound, so we have to turn off the sound to our videos and integrate that music video song into it. And on the day, we met up, Connor didn't have to go because we decided to keep that scene in because it fit best with the song length. So, we're refilming other parts we thought were sloppy. As the process comes to an end it is sad because filming was so much fun. We as a group had talked about that as we were sitting down at Starbucks. But overall, the filming process is done so that's good it's just the editing process I think we're all dreading. We decided to fix a scene at the end with the firefighters. So instead of having the fire fighters dance they waved as Marissa turns her head from looking at Connor cheating. Then we added a scene of her walking into the truck and saying goodbye. But that's all for today's blog. In my next blog I will be uploading the final product of the music video. I'll get back to you guys on that! The journey isn't over yet! See you next time my enthusiastic friends!
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