Production blog: changing the script!

             Hello there my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I will be discussing how Peyton and Marissa changed the script. They started by changing the scene of a two shot on the couch. They changed the script to have Marissa saying, "my sister". In order to make the relationship become more obvious and to have conversation flow normally. They also created an over the shoulder shot for one of Riley's scenes. They did it when Marissa said " Well, its honestly for the best. She was never that good anyway". So, they changed that in order to show Riley's point of view better. The next scene they changed was a single shot of riley. Where they had to have Marissa get off the couch so Peyton could take her place to get the shot from her point of view.  Also, we had to change Riley's next line to " yeah, I guess you're right". And before the hide and seek shoot we had to change one of the angles back to a two shot. It's when Marissa says " okay well let's get your mind off of this and play a game, what's your favorite one? In which riley responds with " My all-time favorite is hide and seek". Marissa then says, " let's do it". In my next blog I will talk about how we filmed more.   Thats all for today! The journey isn't over yet! Till next time my enthusiastic friends!


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