Production blog: Meet up day!
Hello there my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I will be discussing how me, and my group planned the next few scenes. We all met up at Starbucks. Marissa drove me and Rily and Peyton met us there. I got my all-time favorite drink, a caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino. Riley and Marissa got a cake pop. And Peyton got a coffee. Peyton brought a planner, so we were all able to write down our work schedule and when we were free. I just recently started at Sicilian Oven as a hostess. So now Marissa, Riley and me all have a job. Which is why planning is so important because we are all very busy. We talked about when the next filming day would be. We decided on sometime next week because of everyone's work schedule. The weekend would be easier for us all due to the lack of school. And plus, the amount of homework each of us has is enough to keep us busy for a while. So, we had to plan accordingly around that. And I do tend to procrastinate so I had to keep that under control. But we ended up making a pretty solid schedule. In my next blog I will be talking about finishing the rest of the scenes. Thats all for today! The journey isn't over yet! Till next time my enthusiastic friends!
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