Sickness took over!

               Welcome back my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I will be talking about the struggles my group had with the beginning of our production. We had all decided that we wanted to start the production after we finished our storyboard. But mother nature had other plans. I ended up getting the flu and missing a week of school. I was sick for about three weeks and couldn't get out of bed. And to make matters worse after I got over the flu, I must have transferred it to Riley because she ended up getting it to. So, this set us back a few weeks. Since then, when we all felt better me, and my group sat down and discussed our schedules and what days we will start the filming process. Maing this schedule definitely helped us all out in terms or organization and visualization. We did have to edit some dates around as Riley and Marissa both have jobs. So, me and my group have to work around two different work schedules in order to film. And we had to figure out transportation as me and Marissa share a car and Riley has a car. But Peyton does not so she has to figure out her rides each time. I am very excited for the filming process to start, and I hope it goes smoothly from here. Thats all for today! The journey isn't over yet! Till next time my enthusiastic friends!


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