Hello there my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I will be talking about To pick up where I left off, Peyton thought about what best place to start other than the beginning. To prepare for her endeavor, she pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote down the order in which the titles appear in the film industry, and next to it who belonged to what title. This way, we could keep track of who goes with what and stay in the correct order. Peyton began with the “Studios Presents” title, which she wanted to have floating around in the pool as our first title. For this title, we all agreed on the name R.P.M.M. Studios, which were our initials in no specific order, just the way that sounded best. She tried to make the words float around using keyframes, but she was not a fan of how they were moving. It looked too fake and stiff, which is usually the effect of using keyframes to try to stop motion edit some...