
Showing posts from September, 2023

All about me Reflection!

                Good morning my enthusiastic friends! In today's blog I am going to be answering questions on my reflection after making my all about me commercial.     What Technology did you learn to  use?                                                                                                              I learned how to use an app called cap cut. Using this app, I was able to cut and edit my videos just the way I liked. Learning to use cap cut was a trust the process kind of thing. I had to figure out how to put videos in with audio existing and convert them to videos with the song I chose as the background noise. I also ...

All about me commercial

This is my all about me Commerical. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Editing my commercial!

                 Welcome back my enthusiastic friend's! In this blog I will be discussing exactly how I am editing and tweaking my blog in order for me to complete it. First, I made the conscious decision to take away the song Roar by Katy Perry. I did that because having two songs in one video didn't mesh well with my pictures and videos. For example, switching from a slow song to a fast song didn't go smoothly when I tried it. Therefore, that song will not be used. Sorry to disappoint all the Katy Perry fans out there, stay strong. Anyways I started out the video with making a cover video so that I can add the all about me commercial caption. So, I uploaded a cover video with the caption just so that my video can start out smooth and not just jump into my videos and pictures.  Next, I started experimenting with the songs as I previously mentioned. I'm not going to lie... it was a disaster. They didn't go together at all. So, I cho...

The music used for the making of my commercial !

                     Hey there my enthusiastic friend's! Today's blog is all about the music I used for my all about me commercial and why I picked these songs. The first song I chose was a song called Roar by Katy Perry. I chose this song because it represents the animals loving side of me. The song is about being a fighter. Meaning not backing down or giving up. And she represents that by using different animal analogies such as using a lion because they are the highest and baddest on the food chain. So, I think this song really means to have confidence in yourself. Which is something I've been wanting to up in myself, so this song diffidently helps me do that. I believe this will be the first song I put into the slideshow and the next would be the second song I chose by the Chainsmokers, and it's called Paris. I chose this song because it symbolizes friendship and going down together. As well as illustrating Paris which...

The middle of my production blog; learning how to use cap cut better.

             Hello my enthusiastic friend's! Today's blog is going to be a little different. I will be talking about exactly how I'm going to use the app cap cut to make my commercial. The first thing I'm going to do is find my pictures and videos in my camera roll and click on them. Next, I'm going to choose how long I want each photo shown for. It also allows me to choose a cover photo which I would put a picture of my face but I am going to put a baby picture of me with an animal so I can show how long my love for animals has been in effect for. I will add that picture to the end of this blog so you can see what it looks like ahead of time. So, after I choose the title, I will continue to add all five of my photos and the app allows me to add captions. So, for each picture I choose I will add a caption buy touching the text button explaining when and where the photo was taken. Which gi...

Starting my production blog

           Hello my Enthusiastic friend's! Today's blog is about the beginning of my process of starting my production blog. In order to put all my chosen pictures and videos into one app I'm going to use Cap Cut. The app I had introduced in my last blog. I'm going to put all of my pictures and videos into one template and upload all the pictures I want. Then I will add background music and cool transitions. All using that one app. I plan on adding my second song called Paris by the Chainsmokers. Since in my last blog I wasn't sure which song I was going to use. I chose this song because it represents travel. Which is something as you know I really want to do more of. So, after I add that song in, I'm going to tweak the length the pictures show for, so they show for the same amount of time. And then for my two videos I will add captions of where the video was taking place at. After I do that, I will review the whole commercial and make sure it perfectl...

Planning my commercial !

                Welcome back my Enthusiastic friends! Its Mackena here. And for my commercial all about me I decided to choose the app called Cap cut. Cap cut is an app that lets you create videos from any platform which is very convenient for me and my everyday life. I hope to create an amazing commercial with the success of using that app. As well as using different pictures and videos of me doing all the things I love and maybe even the things I don't. As I stated in my last blog animals are my life. So, I know that I will dig deep into my camera roll to find some pictures of me either with animals or holding them. The next picture is going to be me eating Chinese food since I practically eat that every day and it's the one food cuisine I truly love. And I went to Europe two summers ago so I will put in videos of places that I went to such as the Colosseum and the Louve. And I have pictures of me recreating the poses of statues in the...

The ultimate guide for getting to know Mackena

                   Hello my enthusiastic friends ! My name is Mackena Modafferi and I am 16 years old and I have a twin sister named Marissa. Yes we are the same age , You would be surprised how many people ask if we have separate birthdays. Anyways something important to know about me is that I love animals more than people. Ever since I was brought into this world I knew that I was meant to save them. I've always had this sense of understanding with them , which is not something everyone can say they have. Another thing that I'm on the same understanding level with is food. I love all types of food but my ultimate favorite is Chinese food. If someone came up to me and said that Chinese food was the only thing I was able to eat for the rest of my life I would thank them. Another thing I love is my family. I have two dogs, one of them is an English bulldog and the other is a Boston terrier. My human family is kinda cool too I ...